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Genomics at the Highest Resolution

The Sequencing Technology Center (STC), along with our close partners, the Genomics Training and Education Center (GTEC), and the KY INBRE/UofL Bioinformatics Core comprise the collective Genomics Technology Centers at the University of Louisville. We strive to provide investigators with cost effective, cutting-edge DNA/RNA, single-cell, and spatial genomics and transcriptomics profiling services and data analysis to support their research needs.


The STC offers Sanger sequencing, next generation sequencing (NGS), single-molecule, real-time (SMRT) sequencing, and single cell RNA-seq and spatial transciptomics profiling,  through our suite of leading-edge instrumentation and highly trained staff. The STC currently owns and operates a Pacific Biosciences Revio and a Sequel IIe system, an Illumina NextSeq 2000 and MiSeq, 10X Genomics iX Chromium controller and Visium CytAssist, Applied Biosystems ABI 3130XL, along with multiple DNA/RNA quality control instruments. With over 25 years of collective expertise in genomics technologies, our team is happy to offer consultation services, experimental design guidance, and project troubleshooting/optimization. We also can work with you to design custom targeted genomics methods, if needed for your scientific question.


Please let us know how we can further your research needs!

Meet the Team


580 South Preston St.

Delia Baxter Bldg. Room 228

Louisville KY 40202


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©2023 by University of Louisville Sequencing Technology Center . All rights reserved

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