U of L Sequencing Technology Center

10x Genomics
The STC team owns and operates the iX Chromium controller and CytAssist systems. Together these enable single-cell multiome profiling and spatial transcriptomics of fresh and fixed cells and tissues.
Please contact our team when considering single-cell experimental planning!
Single-cell RNA-seq
Sample preparation methods to generate gene expression data at the individual cell level. Used to resolve heterogenous tissue composition and identify specific populations contributing to phenotypes. Single-cell RNA-seq libraries can be generated from both fresh tissue/cell preparations and fixed tissue/cells. Can be paired with single-cell surface protein expression profiling for assistance in cell type clustering. Single nuclei RNA-seq preparation also available.
Input requirements: > 80% viability, single cell suspensions. Cell numbers differ based on fresh vs fixed protocols; contact team for details
Single-cell ATAC-seq
Resolution of chromatin accessibility at the single cell level. Use data to characterize cell states and discover gene regulation patterns. Method can be used aloneor paired with single-cell gene expression for single-cell multiome characterization (ATAC-seq and scRNA-seq).
Input requirements: 80% cell viability, single cell suspensions. Cell numbers needed will depend on experimental design; contact team for details
Single-cell Immune Profiling
Analyze VDJ gene usage in paired B-cell (heavy + light chains) and T-cell (alpha + beta chains) receptor repertoires with single cell resolution lymphocytes. Cells can be prepared for VDJ profiling alone, or can be used as in conjunction with single-cell gene expression and/or cell surface ygle immune cell characterization.
Input requirements: >80% cell viability, single cell suspensions. Cell numbers needed will differ based on experimental design; contact team for details
Visium Spatial Gene Expression
Sample preparation method that enables mapping of gene expression within the context of a 2-D tissue microenvironment. Data can be used to understand localized gene expression, disease pathologies, and complex structural tissue organization. Available for FFPE (human, mouse) and fresh/frozen tissues (all organisms). 1-10 cell resolution depending on tissue type and sizes of cells of interest.
Input requirements: All slides used will be assessed for RNA integrity prior to processing. Multiple tissue size options available based on experimental design; contact team for details